Posted by: CongoChurch | November 23, 2011

Rev. Zimmerman Installed at Cherryfield & November Talk

Pastor Larry Zimmerman was formally recognized as the spiritual leader of Cherryfield Congregational Church with a service held on August 14th, 2011. The other pastors of the Washington Association, United Church of Christ installed and blessed his relationship with the Cherryfield Church at a moving and special service. Reverend Z’s formal association with the church was welcomed with grateful thanks by the congregation. In the year that he has been our pastor, we have been blessed with his faith, his “seasoned” wisdom and the practical experience he brings to our small faith community.  We are better organized (hard for Congregationalists), sincerely focused on our community calling and able to accept our challenges with more serenity and faith. Besides, Reverend Z is an accomplished carpenter and building designer so he has been motivational in significantly improving our physical plant.  We pray for his and our health and long affiliation.

November 23, 2011

Dear Friends in Christ,

Getting something back from our investments is something of a joke in today’s economy of disappearing interest rates. But when it comes to God’s investment plan, things get turned around a bit. Note the above quote from Scripture: “Give and it will be given to you . . . Running over . . . pressed down and put into your lap.” Sounds like a pretty good deal.

The fact that you are getting this letter is testimony to the fact that you are on record as caring about this little church on the banks of the Narraguagus. We’ve had a great year—worship with wonderful music; we host mission groups coming to Washington County, and our outreach to the community touches the lives of many deserving individuals and families. We have upgraded our building by creating a new rear entry, church office and meeting space. We did well with our popular church suppers and our fall bazaar. In short, for a small church, we are definitely not standing still.

As we look forward to 2012, we invite you to continue to support this ministry. Certainly, we thank you for your support in the past—your time, money and prayers. All are needed. If you would like to make a pledge, a card is included. If your prefer envelopes, they are provided. Others send contributions. Each and every contribution is important to us and important to God.

Jesus taught us about God’s investment plan. Simply put, what we give comes back to us in so many blessings that come our way. Thank you for our continued support of the Christian ministry here in Cherryfield.

May your holidays be filled with love and, many blessings.

Rev. Larry A. Zimmerman, Pastor

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