Services Offered

The Cherryfield Congregational Church offers many services to locals and visitors alike. We care for each other and reach out everyone with love, attention, and prayerful support. Here are just some of the ways in which we reach out to offer the community the love of Jesus Christ:

  • Sunday Morning Worship & Youth Programs
  • Public Suppers with Hymn Sings (During the Summer)
  • Weekly Boy Scout and Cub Scout Meetings
  • Weddings, Funerals, and Anniversary Celebrations for Nonmembers
  • Annual Historic Society Tour
  • Cherryfield Days  Breakfast
  • Our Space Made Available Usually w/o Charge to All Who Need It
  • Summertime Use by Traveling Youth Groups Doing Service
  • Christmas Bazaar & Craft Fair for Local Low-Income Crafters to Sell Their Wares
  • Support for the Lamb House as a refuge and shelter for families burned out or facing weather emergencies

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