Posted by: CongoChurch | December 2, 2013

CHURCH CHAT – November 2013


A Newsletter from the First Congregational Church in Cherryfield, Maine

November 2013


Our Mission Statement

The First Congregational Church of Cherryfield is a community of faith that has joined together as family. We welcome all people at all points on their spiritual journey in order to spread God’s love and compassion here and throughout the world.




          A few weeks ago I was going through some old papers in the church office and came upon a newsletter from the 1980’s. On the heading were the words “A Small Church with a big Yankee Heart.” I thought that a clever statement that spoke well of this church and decided to add it to our church sign out front.

          In our present day, we are conditioned to believe that bigger is always better. The bigger the store, the better price or variety. The bigger the house we build, the better impression is made. “Giant” size products are always followed by the words “economy” give us a better deal. Many of us think this is also true for churches. Yes, large churches have their place and many are drawn to them. But did you realize that most churches in America–in fact 70%–have less than 75 members. We sometimes think because we are small, somehow we are limited in what we can accomplish.

          A classmate of mine wrote a book a few years back called “Small Churches are the right size.” Well, I won’t go into details here, but his premise is that smallness does not limit the impact a church can have on people’s lives nor on what they can accomplish in their communities. I would suggest, and quite proudly I admit, that the Cherryfield Church would qualify. There is a lot of energy and desire to serve Jesus Christ and that is just as valued and powerful as any church on the planet.

          This time of year when we think of Thanksgiving and being appreciative for all that we have, may we also consider the blessings that our church brings into our lives. With the contributions of those who attend regularly, our friends from away along with our summer visitors who support this church, all help to keep our doors open and our hands ready to serve. We are most thankful.

          May you have a wonderful Thanksgiving where blessings abound.










From “somethings are worth sharing department”


Stewardship Thoughts from the pen of Rev. Peter Swarr (Marty Resotko’s son)


          Why make a gift to a church?   You may give because you believe in the mission of the church at a specific time, in a specific place.  You believe in what you see God doing through this church and its people.  You may give because you realize the basic needs of the church:  salary of the pastor, upkeep on the building, heating, electricity, lawn mowing, snow plowing.  Many of the same expenses you have  in your home.  But, there is a spiritual reason for the church to ask for your gifts and support.  We are made in the image of God.  And God created the whole beautiful world for us to live in.  God gave it to us freely, only asking that we care for it.  God gave to us abundantly, and we are blessed by this abundance.  When we give, we connect to the life giving reality of who God is.  As we give we become a people of generosity and a people filled with gratitude.   We may have given from the perspective of “What do I have left?”  But, we should ask instead, how can I share from the abundance that God has blessed me with?  Then we give as God has given. 




A Welcomed Concert

          On Sunday, November 17, the Washington County Children’s Choir provided a pleasant

introduction to the Christmas Season when they used our church as a site for their dress rehearsal. They were a delightful group of 28 children under the direction of Christina Guy.  Their annual Concert will be held at the Congregational Church in Machias on Sunday, December 8.

Our own Taya (left) is an alto in the WCCC.

Our own Taya (left) is an alto in the WCCC.

Savage (on right) is a baritone and grandson of Peter and Alice Duston

Savage (on right) is a baritone and grandson of Peter and Alice Duston

The chorus under the direction of Christine Guy of UMM plans a performance trip to France in June for the 70th anniversary of WWII Liberation events including a performance in Notre Dame Cathedral in Paris.

The chorus under the direction of Christine Guy of UMM plans a performance trip to France in June for the 70th anniversary of WWII Liberation events including a performance in Notre Dame Cathedral in Paris.






Dec. 1 First Sunday in Advent

“Hanging of the Greens”-a service of song and Advent preparations as we decorate the sanctuary.


Dec. 8, 2nd Sunday in Advent

Our congregation will worship at the Milbridge Congregational Church and share in their Christmas Pageant. Service is at 10:30.


Wed, Dec. 11 at 12 noon

The ladies of the Milbridge Church invite our ladies to the Annual Christmas Party. Bring a wrapped gift and dessert. They will provide the rest. They guarantee lots of joy and laughter!


Dec. 15, 3rd Sunday in Advent

Lighting of the Advent Candle

Dec. 22, 4th Sunday in Advent

Lighting of the Advent Candle


Tuesday, Dec. 24 Christmas Eve

Carols & Scripture at 7 PM


Sunday, Dec. 29

The Year-end Share Service & Hymn Sing. Bring a reading or story to tell if you wish and have your favorite hymn picked out.



Savage Bloomer sings his Veterans Day Composition: "Have You Ever?"

Savage Bloomer sings his Veterans Day Composition: “Have You Ever?”


          Savage Bloomer, grandson to Peter & Alice, sang a song he had written for Veterans Day. He sang it at the Cherryfield School and during worship on Veteran‘s Sunday. We thought the words are worth sharing.



Dedicated to my Mom and Grandfather on Veterans Day – 2013

Words and music by Savage Bloomer


Have you ever lost sleep

over warmth or food?

Have you ever wondered why?

Have you ever seen the friend that cried?

Have you ever slept in the sand?

Have you ever fought for your land?


(CHORUS) Soldiers! Soldiers!

Make this land of the free!

Soldiers, Soldiers!

Make this place my home!


Have you ever lost a friend?

Have you ever gave to the end?

Have you ever seen them on the street?

Have you ever been in their two feet?

Have you ever walked away?

Why don’t you thank one today!


My freedom, my love, goes out to you.

Your bravery, your gift to me, I know I am Free.

I know they’ve rolled the dice

But, have you ever paid their sacrifice?




New Lighting Brightens Morning Worship!

          Thanks to a generous gift of new energy efficient light bulbs, things look a little brighter in the church and at a lower cost as well. Our thanks to Kirby Davis who installed them and the special adaptors that were needed to make them fit in our much older light fixtures.


* * * * * * *

The Bazaar Bazaar is Almost here


          You may receive this  after the fact, but our annual bazaar or Church Fair is set for Saturday, November 23 from 9-1. A number of crafts tables, our fish chowder lunch, and the famous white elephant table will no doubt tempt a few who will find much appreciated items for the holidays. Our own crafters have been meeting on Wednesday evenings preparing for their own contributions.


* * * * * * *

The Lamb House Update


          After several meetings over the summer, members of our church have been working on a proposal to make use of the Lamb House (the house we purchased next door two years ago). We are currently exploring the possibility of creating a home that can be used by families who are “out in the cold” due to fire or other loss. The idea of a shelter is still on the table. However, the main focus is looking in to a grant for funds that would help us bring it to a livable condition. This summer, it was used by an individual who was helping with the Maine Seacoast Mission. The house could also be used as a place for mission groups to stay. At this point, it needs a new kitchen and bath facilities along with heating and electrical work.

          As we continue to explore possibilities, we are open to ideas and suggestions and support.










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